This ANNUAL talent competition has transformed from ‘EPAC Idol’ to ‘EPACs GOT TALENT’, and we can’t wait to see the diverse array of multi-talented local individuals who will be coming out to entertain us. Last year was the first time we allowed musicians and dancers into the competition that had always been limited to just solo vocalists. This year we are breaking it up into two categories, Kids and Adults! We want to see ANY talent, if it’s entertaining, we want to see it. The winners from the two categories will receive EPAC Prize Packages. Gift Certificates to EPAC shows will be awarded to the adult winners, and Scholarships for Kids Theater Workshop tuition will be awarded to the kid winners & more!
Jan. 20th Auditions: REGISTRATION FEE $10 Adults (age 16 & over) and $5 Children
Jan. 26th Semi-Finals & Jan. 27th Finals: General Admission Tickets
$10 Adults (age 16 and over)
$5 Children
EPAC Box Office at 785-8903
EPAC web site, www.endicottarts.com
You can also purchase tickets in person at the EPAC Box Office, located at 102 Washington Ave. Endicott, NY.
For group sales of 15 tickets or more call (607) 785-8903.