We had an amazing turn-out for auditions!!
Thank you to all who showed up!
Burlesque 7: Deadly Sins
Cast List:
Director/Choreographer: Andrew Shaul
Assistant Director: Jackson Bailey
Stage Manager: Nathan Butler
Mikey Carlson, Tanya Morris, April Warner Youngs, Linda Monaco, Jackson Bailey
Welcoming Back: Emily Witman, Kim Ross, Jenny Delgado, Sheila Sullivan, Candace Phelan, Susan Schneider, Theresa Tassone, Jean Graham, Emily Wilson, Jeanne Norton, Lily Creech, Julia Adams, Jessica Hyland, Nicole Firendino, Stefanie Jump, April Youngs, Mikey Carlson, Linda Monaco, Tanya Morris, Lori Pickering, Chelsey Renouf, Lisa Delhauer, Lydia Dozoretz, Matthew Snyder, Jordan Dozoretz, Dallas Elwood
And Introducing: Shannah Hall, Jamie Cook, Sara Hyland, Kenji Parker, Davontee Lown, Nicole Basley, Natalie Sterns, Taaliba Hayley
See you all at our first rehearsal – Friday February 16th @ 7pm
(In the 3rd Floor Dance Studio @ EPAC)