REGISTRATION BEGINS MAY 1st (Workshop Dates are June 25 - August 12)
The KIDS Summer Workshop is a seven week theatre workshop starting June 25th, where the students attend classes Mondays and Thursdays 5pm to 7pm at the Endicott Performing Arts Center.
Tuition for the Kids Theatre Workshop is $210 per student.
The EPAC Summer Kids Theater Workshop is proud to announce the upcoming production of "NEWSIES", the hit Disney Broadway Musical. The rights to produce this show have just now become available after closing on Broadway. This will be one of the first amateur productions of 'Newsies' anywhere, and what better group than the biggest and best kids theater workshop in the Greater Binghamton Area with an average of over 100 children representing the best budding local talent this community has to offer.
Don't miss this awesome hit musical presented by EPAC, August 9th - 12th.
Tickets will be available through the EPAC Box Office.
For more info on tickets, the show, or the workshop please call EPAC at (607)785-8903.
Student Registration will OPEN May 1st 2018, with the workshop starting June 25th. The SEVEN week, tuition based, educational workshop starts after the public schools finish for the year, and will be producing the FULL scale Broadway Musical, "NEWSIES" for the general public to enjoy.
Please call EPAC, stop by, or visit our website for additional information.
"Don't wait for opportunity to knock, you must go knocking"
To Register call (607)785-8903or visit: www.EndicottArts.com