Thank you to everyone who auditioned for the EPAC Classic Fairy Tale, PINOCCHIO! CAST of Characters: in order of appearance, Antonio – Lou Ligouri Balloon Seller – Hannah Brink Pizza Maker - John Stephens Candlewick - Ryan Hillary Gino - Jameson MacNamee Angelina – Jenn Riale Geppetto - Joe Foti Pinocchio – Parker Dzuba The Blue Fairy – Lucia Foti The Coachman – Matthew Rouff The Fox – Faith Gibbore The Cat – Hope Riale Ensemble/Chorus (Townspeople, Land of Toys People, etc.) - Corrina Rouff, Faith Stephens, Kenna Moyle, Jillian Hitchcock, Sadie Dutcher, Khala Gray-Matto, Madison Burton, London Clapper, Philip Lanza Please confirm your acceptance by emailing, epacoffice102@gmail.com or calling 607-785-8903