Burlesque 90's REWIND
at the Endicott Performing Arts Center
EPAC’s Burlesque is auditioning Dancers & Performers for ALL ROLES including Solos at the Endicott Performing Arts Center, Friday Feb. 5th at 6pm
Those intending to audition must set up an audition time by emailing stagemanagernathan@gmail.com
Audition times will be in 15-minute increments
& only 1 person may audition at a time.
Please note: Due to COVID-19 Regulations we have to limit cast size,
and will be abiding by the EPAC COVID-19 Safety Plan.
Those auditioning must prepare a routine (1st verse & chorus) to either “Just a Girl” by No Doubt, “Backstreets Back” by Backstreet Boys, or “Barbie Girl” by Aqua
Burlesque 9 – “90’s Rewind” is a totally rad look back at some of the best songs of the decade, in the fashion of the iconic Burlesque dance show at EPAC. The show will consist of 16 dance numbers with varying levels of difficulty and style including but not limited to Contemporary, Hip Hop, and Jazz. Past dance experience is strongly preferred.
BURLESQUE 9, a VIRTUAL ON-LINE EVENT will be produced on EPAC DIGITAL, the new online platform that will allow EPAC to continue its mission by providing high quality performing arts to the ENTIRE Community.
Director/Lead Choreographer: Andrew Shaul
Co-Director: Jackson Bailey
Choreographers: Tanya Morris, April Warner-Youngs, Linda Monaco & more.
Rehearsal Schedule:
Rehearsals start: Wednesday, February 17th at 7PM.
Rehearsals: Wednesdays (7p-9p), Fridays (7p-9p),
Sundays starting March 28th (2p-6p)
STREAMING Performances:
May 13th, 14th and 15th @ 8pm!
EPAC: 102 Washington Ave. Endicott, NY
To Schedule Auditions by Appointment:
email: stagemanagernathan@gmail.com
General Operating Support is provided to the Endicott Performing Arts Center by a grant from the Broome County Arts Council's United Cultural Fund