Dear Southern Tier Community:
As members of our local community, we have witnessed the toll that the coronavirus has had among us. It has affected each of our lives in deep, meaningful ways. We feel the pain and sorrow of those who have lost loved ones, the anxiety of those who are out of work, and the frustration of businesses that will never open their doors again. No one has been left untouched by the hand of this horrific disease.
As an organization and part of the community, The Endicott Performing Arts Center has intensely felt and respected the deep emotions of these times. For more than twenty-two years, our dedication to making our community a better place to live has been evident in our commitment to arts education, quality entertainment, organizational growth, safety and love. We are the EPAC Family.
In these difficult times, our leadership is continuing to focus on our mission and values while adapting to the new paradigm of today. This requires an absolute devotion to the safety of our performers, technical and professional staff, volunteers, and you – our community, audience, and families. This devotion is embodied by attention to every detail of COVID-related guidance provided by local, state, and federal authorities with regards to the safety and well-being of everyone involved.
EPAC recently had an idea for a virtual performance. However, performing arts theaters remain closed through New York State’s phased reopening guidelines. Communications with the appropriate governing agencies were made to determine if a virtual performance could be conducted safely – and if so, how this could be done. Specific guidelines were determined and communicated to EPAC’s leadership team.
Careful preparations are always made to ensure the safety of everyone contributing to our productions, both in the past and continuing into the future. As such, EPAC continues to operate under the new COVID guidelines issued to them from the COVID Division of Governor Cuomo’s Office, through County Executive Jason Garnar’s office and the Broome County Arts Council. Throughout this process, our management team has continuously sought candid responses from all those involved in our programs to ensure that everyone is happy, healthy, and feels safe at all times. We applaud their efforts, value every participant in our productions, and are proud of their commitment to keep each other and the public safe.
As such, EPAC is breaking new ground by presenting virtual productions that are live streamed with no audience in the theater. We have sought guidance from Broome County and the New York State COVID Task Force who evaluated the actions taken by our management team in producing our most recent show. Both governmental organizations have confirmed the safety precautions implemented by EPAC as appropriate and consistent with current guidelines.
The Board of Directors of the Endicott Performing Arts Center is in full and unconditional support of the caring and dedicated team of managers and staff who operate the Endicott Performing Arts Center and its many educational and arts programs. We unanimously applaud their efforts to adapt to a difficult and rapidly evolving environment, and doing so in safe and innovative ways that will continue to fulfill the mission of your community theater: to help make our community a better place to live.
Lou Ligouri, EPAC Board President, Val Gable Board Vice President, Board Members Lori M. Grace, Terri-Jo Ramia, Bob Griffin, Jim Savage, Michele Hughston, and Susan Schneider