The EPAC Repertory Company is thrilled to announce the CAST LIST for “A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE”, with Direction by Patrick Foti.
Blanche DuBois: Jean Graham
Stella Kowalski: Kylee Thetga
Stanley Kowalski: Pierre O’Farrell
Harold Mitchell (Mitch): Matthew Gaska
Steve Hubell: Anthony Kane
Eunice Hubell: Deb Mallen
Pablo: Steve Taylor
A Doctor: Dustin Hirthler
A Nurse: Michelle Colburn
A Young Man: Dustin Hirthler
Congratulations to the cast, and thank you to everyone who auditioned. This is going to be an amazing production, with show dates November 10th - 13th, 2022. Rehearsals begin Sept. 25th.
Please confirm the acceptance of your role by commenting, calling or emailing EPAC at 607-785-8903 or